2008年11月14日 星期五


  1. 在桃園縣龜山鄉的文化路上的勇將門市
  2. 自助式加油,刷卡有打折。
  3. 刷卡每筆交易金額不超過1500元,無需簽名。
  4. 可輸入統一編號,二聯式發票。
  5. 這位仁兄,要加7次柴油。
  6. 每次加滿到1500元,系統就會停止,然後印出發票。
  7. 然後,重複再輸入統一編號、舉油槍、加油。
  8. 最近正在研擬,如何簡化類似這種加油需求的程序。


2 則留言:

boo 提到...

if you want to see my blogs you can. currently i'm trying to get the word out. i want to give advice. somthing people can use in everyday life. also i want my opinions to get heard. i don't want to keep talking to a imaginary wall. i want to be heard. to get out there. you know? well please take a look a comment what you think.


i have five blogs.
[= save the planet, relationship tips, broken hearts, america, and my about me. - thanks alot. ~kauri

coscienza critica 提到...

ciao :-)